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Richard Chase
Richard Jewell
Richard Joseph Daley
Richard Matsui Aoki
Richard Matsui Aoki (1938-2009) was involved in a number of radical groups on the West Coast including the Socialist Workers Party and the Black Panther Party. At the same time Aoki served as an informant for the FBI (symbol source number SF-2496-R). This release consists of material from the period 1962 to 1970 and a record of the FBI file search for material on Aoki in 2009.
Richard McCoy
Richard Murray
Richard Nathaniel Wright
Richard Oakes
Richard Pipes
Richard Ramirez
Richard Russell
Richard Wagstaff "Dick" Clark
Richard “Dick” W. Clark (1929-2012) was an entertainer and businessman best known for his long tenure as host of American Bandstand. These materials consist of investigations made in 1962 and 1985 into threats of violence against Clark and others
Richard Wright
Ricky McCormick
Rita Hayworth
Rita Maze
Robert (Bob) Barker
Robert Bluejacket
Robert Bork
Robert Dole
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