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Alphabetical Listing Collection

Thomas D'Alesandro Jr.
Thomas Hale Boggs
Thomas Hale Boggs (1914 to 1972/3) was a U.S. politician who disappeared in a 1972 plane crash and was declared dead the next year. This release consists of several FBI files previously released to the public. The files span the years 1949 to 1972; redactions were made primarily to protect personal privacy and grand jury secrecy.
Thomas Michael Menino
Thomas Michael Menino (1942-2014) served as the Mayor of Boston from 1993 to 2014. This release consists of material from a 2002 corruption investigation that did not lead to prosecution.
Thomas Monson
Thomas O. Jones
Thomas Ryan Eboli
Thomas Ryan Eboli Thomas Ryan Eboli (1911-1972), a gangster and leader of the Genovese crime family, was born in Italy and immigrated to the U.S. with his parents as an infant. Eboli had several aliases, including Tommy Ryan. On July 16, 1972, Eboli was murdered in Brooklyn, New York. This release consists of materials from four files, including 1962-1963; 1972; 1987; and 1988.
Threats Against Members of Congress, 2000-2010
Public figures are often the targets of threats of violence. The FBI is charged with investigating many of these threats, especially when they are made against federal officials. This release details a number of threats made against members of the U.S. Congress between 2000 and 2010. This is not a complete collection of such threat investigation materials, but consists of the opening and closing ECs (electronic communications or case memoranda). The files do not include any material related to ongoing investigations. This release has been previously made available under FOIA requests. In 2010, the ECs concerning threats made between 2000 and 2008 were released; the ECs concerning threats made between 2009 and 2010 were released in 2011.
Threats Against U.S. Senator George Voinovich
Thurgood Marshall
Thyra Edwards
Tik Tok
Time Utilization and Recordkeeping Policy Directive 1078D
Timothy Charles Lee
Timothy Francis Leary
Tina Turner
Tokyo Rose
Tokyo Rose Iva Toguri D’ Aquino (1916-2006) was one of a group of English-speaking women who participated in a World War II Japanese radio propaganda program. These women were collectively referred to as “Tokyo Rose.” Iva Toguri, an American trapped in Japan when war broke out, served as a host named “Orphan Ann” for a Radio Tokyo program called the Zero Hour. After the war, two reporters portrayed her as the “Tokyo Rose,” and she was later tried and convicted of treason, in part based on their exaggerations. In 1977, she received a presidential pardon. This release details the investigation of D’ Aquino.
Tom Hayden
Toni Morrison
Transcript of January 5, 2018 Public Access Line (PAL) Tip Regarding Nikolas Cruz
Trayvon Martin
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