How To Check the Status of your FOIA or Privacy Act Request
FOIPA Request Status Check
You can now check the status of your FBI FOIPA request online by simply entering in the space above your FOIPA Request Number that was provided to you after receipt of your request. The FOIPA Request Number will appear as: 1234567-000 (normally seven digits, a hyphen and three digits). The complete FOIPA Request Number must be entered, failure to correctly enter the number will result in a message, “The FOIPA 1234567-000 has not been found in the database”. Only one FOIPA Request Number can be submitted at a time.
Upon entering your FOIPA Request Number, the requester will be provided one of the following STATUS RESULTS:
1. The FBI’s FOI/PA Program is processing your request in accordance to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act guidelines.
2. The FBI’s FOI/PA Program is searching the FBI’s indices for potentially responsive documents. You may be contacted via form letter for all fees and/or negotiation issues that may apply.
3. The FBI’s FOI/PA Program has identified potential responsive information to your request(s) and is forwarding this request(s) for assignment to a FOI/PA Legal Administrative Specialist (LAS) for further processing.
4. The information you have requested is part of a previously requested subject matter and will be preprocessed in accordance to the prior releasable information.
5. The request is currently in appeal status with the Office of Information Policy (OIP).
6. The request is currently in litigation with Federal court.
Requesters may print the results of their status check by clicking the “Printer Friendly” link at the top of this page.
Status information is updated weekly.