Charlie Wilson
Charles "Charlie" Nesbitt Wilson (1933-2010) served 12-terms as Democratic United States Representative from Texas's 2nd congressional district. He became widely known for his support for funding the Afghan Mujahedeen resistance to USSR occupation. This release consists of more than 3500 pages of FBI investigative records from 1972 to 1999 joint US government investigation into foreign corrupt practices. The material here relates to a side issue developed in the case concerning whether or not Wilson received a substantial kickback from a foreign government for his role in securing a sizable appropriation to arm the Afghan resistance; in 1999, the Department of Justice declined to prosecute, but Wilson did pay a sizable penalty for making loans to himself from his campaign accounts. Other material released includes investigative material related to a possible election law violation by an opponent of Wilson in 1972, the investigation of several threats made against Wilson, the Bureau’s investigation into his possible role in the late 1980s/early 1990s House banking scandal, and some other small matters.